September 23, 2015

Whole wheat and sorgum focaccia (atta and jowar) recipe

Whole wheat and sorgum focaccia (atta and jowar) recipe

Once upon a time when I bought few cherry tomatoes I just crushed few and put in my pots. Been religiously watering the pots without but my expectation of seeing the tomatoes had died. But to my surprise after a couple of months I started seeing the saplings and one fine day I see my cherry tomatoes have showed up.
Now when someone has surprised me so well, I wanted to treat them special and hence this recipe. I wanted them to show them up, yea, I agree salads are one option but unfortunately I am not a salad person. Hence thought of making a focaccia since I got about a dozen of those cutie pies. But then again thoughts will try whole wheat and jowar focaccia. Why not, when you want to make someone feel special, take an extra step always J

Alright so I am eager to share the recipe now


Whole wheat flour – ¾ cup
Jowar flour – ¾ cup
Water ¾ cup
Yeast – 1 tsp
Sugar – 2 tsp
Salt – ½ tsp
Olive oil – 2 tbsp.

For the topping
Cherry tomatoes – 1 dozen
Oregano, chilli flakes, basil (seasoning of your preference)
Olive oil – 2-3 tbsp.

  • The temperature of the water for the yeast to work is crucial, I have mentioned this every bread baking post. So for this measurement I microwaved the ¾ cup water in high for about 30 seconds. 
  • After removing the glass proof bowl I sprinkled the sugar and the yeast into the water and stirred well. After 15 mins it would have frothed up.
  •  Sift in the flours and salt and knead well (I use the dough hook of my egg beater attachment) once the dough has come together, add the olive oil and start kneading with your hands for a while.
  • When  you get the soft dough let it rest in a well-greased bowl for about an hour or until the dough has risen and doubled in size.
  • Preheat the oven at 200 degrees Celsius for about 10-20 mines. Meantime, knock down the dough and flatten in a preferred pan and make a lot of holes by using your finger. Pour in some olive oil and half the tomatoes and place in it. Sprinkle the seasoning all over and leave it to puff up again until the oven is preheated.
  • Once the oven is heated place this pan in the oven and bake for about 20 – 30 minutes or until you see a nice golden brown crust on top.
  • Remove and let cool.
  • Serve it with some extra virgin olive oil or a garden salad



1 comment:

  1. Great looking cherry tomatoes!
    Which Olive oil(variant and brand) did you use by the way?


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