July 6, 2013

Jaggery amla ( amla caramelized in jaggery syrup)

Jaggery amla

Been wanting to try some sweet combination with amla when it is in season. Even if it fails I might not regret too much :). This is a wild try of caramelising amla in jaggery syrup, undoubtedly it turned very yummy. But I might as well warn you that you need a little ' more' time to get this done. But anyways I am going to save the recipe for me and for others who would love to try this.

I kg amla ( steamed and seeds removed)*
2 cups of jaggery syrup**

Mix both the ingredients and stir until it is reduced. You needn't wait until all the liquid evaporates, you can retain a little amount of the reduced liquid which adds on to that sweetness.

* Wash, and steam steam cook the amlas just until it breaks.
** I melted 1 kg jaggery in I cup of water , strained and used 2 cups of this liquid for the recipe. You can retain the remaining liquid for any other recipe/cooking or use it instead of sugar.

1 comment:

  1. How long will it be fresh? Please give a detailed description


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